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Werhi joined The Collaborators on a three month placement as part of Bristol Creative Industries' (BCI) internship programme in association with Babbasa. Here she sums up her time with us:

After my first placement at Armadillo, I started the second part of my internship with The Collaborators.

Coming from a background in UX, my objective was to learn other areas of design, like packaging and branding. Although it was just three months, I felt like I had been on the team for longer. Everyone was so welcoming, which made it easier to settle down and learn.

I had some initial worries as I had little to no experience in branding and marketing, but with support from the team, I was able to learn new things like; logo design, packaging and strategy (I really enjoyed this bit as I am a research enthusiast).

Before this internship, I struggled to get a role in the creative industry and at a point I was so desperate that I felt like the working culture didn't matter much. With The Collaborators it was different, I could see why the culture at work truly matters, it felt like a second home and I could tell that they truly cared about my experience and wanted me to become a better designer. I hope to find a place like this and although they have set the bar high, it has shown me that when you are with the right people, work becomes enjoyable and easier.

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To find out more about BCI internships click here.